West Coast Ghost Hunters Complete Investigations
The crew from the West Coast Ghost Hunter's spent two nights investigating our prison. Perhaps when someone thinks of ghosthunter's they flash back to the famous movie "Ghost Buster's" starring Bill Murray. Well, this group of individual's did not arrive wearing proton packs and funky suits, but they came very well prepared. They had studied the history of our prison and many key individuals and they were certainly well-versed on what had happened within our walls. And for that we are most appreciative. Spending two nights investigating the many area's of our prison, they gathered pictures, video's and tape recordings of literally every inch of our prison. At last count, they took over 3000 digital pictures within the walls, so all of this information is still being looked at. We will share the findings with you as soon as everything has been reviewed.
Thank you for your comment! I will be publishing the report from the West Coast Ghost Hunter's...hopefully this week! They captured some awesome video's, picture's and EVP's. You can see some of the pictures at their website http://www.wcghost.com
The self-guided tours are nice because you can take all the time you want and explore. Did you experience anything specific? Many, many visitor's come out of the prison, after touring and ask us if it's haunted, etc. I think just seeing the prison and "what life must of been like there" affects many people.
As far as granting access to more area's...we sure wish we could do just that! But the safety of our visitor's come's first and many area's simply would not be safe for visitor's to go into. In a lot of the tower's, the stairs are very narrow and are just not safe for people to travel up and down. Our hope and vision is to share more of the history of the prison with the public, so perhaps in the future more area's will be accessible for viewing.
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